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A.R.K. (Association to Rescue Kritters) is a Wildlife Rehabilitation Center located at 3878 S. Maple Valley Road, Saint Helen, MI 48656, between Houghton Lake and St. Helen. Our purpose is to rescue, rehabilitate and return to the wild injured and orphaned wildlife
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Did a raccoon or fox have babies on your property, in your garage, under your porch or in an out-building?
There is no need to harm the mother or the babies. Some people may suggest that you kill the mom and bring the babies to us. This is both cruel and unnecessary.
We can come help mama move her babies without harming the animals. The key is to make the spot where they had their babies feel unsafe. Raccoons and fox always have back-up dens, so there is no need to worry about the babies. She will take good care of them after she moves them.
We will have a direct phone line dedicated specifically to assisting with getting mom and her babies moved.
In the meantime, for the most rapid response, please use the 'contact us' tab. You will receive a response the same day.
Response time will be MUCH slower if you call the ARK directly as the volunteers are working full time with the animals on site.

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